Clients & Customers

clients and customers blog header

I feel my clients hire me to look after their building project in the same way that a patient hires a doctor to care for their health…

Joining the AI…ehhhh

Drafting Tools blog image

Image: Vintage Drafting tools, copyright Adobe Stock/Grigory I am a loyal, frustrated, enthusiastic, passive member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). I watch it commit tactical errors, abandon initiatives, be fleeced by corporate sponsors (full disclosure: I was one such sponsor in a past career), and generally spend too much time looking in the […]

Petaluma Pastoral

Petaluma Pastoral Blog Featured Image

Our Petaluma Pastoral project by is an ongoing multi-phased endeavor for a happy client. Set on 4.5 acres of picturesque rolling farmland, two buildings have been completed so far, and a third is in the design phase.  As visitors arrive at the site, they are greeted by an amazing rural modern “structure.” In fact, the […]

The Building Is Alive!

Building is Alive Blog Header Image

Mark Twain said of his Connecticut home: “To us, our house was not insentient matter — it had a heart, and a soul, and eyes to see us with; and approvals and solicitudes and deep sympathies; it was of us, and we were in its confidence, and lived in its grace and in the peace […]

What is Architecture? A Collection of Quotations, Part I

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From time to time, I add to a personal collection of what others have said about architecture. Profound, cynical or silly, it is relevant to me; perhaps it will be for you as well.  -David Marlatt, AIA Architecture is life, or at least it is life itself taking form and therefore it is the truest […]

The DNM Video Blog

DNM Vido Blog Intro

Welcome to the first DNM Architecture video blog! Moving forward, we hope you enjoy this additional way of examining our projects, including commentary directly from firm founder and principal architect, David Marlatt, AIA.

New Rules Mean Adding an ADU to Your California Home is Easier Than Ever

DNM Architecture ADU

Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs may seem like a very new and different type of housing, but the term ADU actually refers only to the home’s legal status, not its physical characteristics. Small houses and apartments, whether called Granny units, In-law suites, cottages, Tiny Homes or just studios, have existed as long as there have […]

Formed by the Land

Just north of San Francisco, a long-vacant lot was defined by a V-shaped, natural drainage swale through its center, effectively dividing the land in half. The site’s natural topography simultaneously presented a challenge and an incredible opportunity for a unique modern home build with an amazing view of Mt. Tamalpais and nearby hillsides.  From the […]

DNM Architecture is Part of the 2030 AIA Commitment.

Lycee Francais First Floor Plan

Becoming a 2030 signatory is a commitment to addressing one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century and becoming a leader in fighting climate change.  According to AIA surveys, 2030 signatories are more likely to value energy efficiency and to use energy modeling than other architects. We are also more likely than their peers […]

Views From A Sonoma Hillside

Sonoma SIPS Blog Header Image

David was a dream to work with. He really listened to our descriptions of what we wanted including a modern aesthetic. We went through multiple iterations, during which his facility with CAD architecture software was very helpful along with his other skills. We interviewed 3 architects including David. One thing his references all said, which […]